Tag: parasite

Marine Mammal Parasite of the Month- June 2021


This parasite is a protozoan that infects most warm-blooded animals, including humans, and causes the disease toxoplasmosis. As far as marine mammals go, this parasite has been observed in sea otters, manatees, harbor seals, northern fur seals, sea lions, and many cetacean species. Humans can become infected by several routes, including eating under-cooked meat of […]

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Parasitologist Dr. Murray Dailey visits center

Dr. Murray Dailey

World renound parasitologist, marine mammal parasitology expert, and author Dr. Murray Dailey visited the NMLC for a full week of meetings and laboratory instruction. Resident veterinarian  Dr. Sea Rogers Williams, who has a special interest in parasitology and is currently identifying and evaluating cases of parasitism in marine mammals with a multi-year federal grant, was […]

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