Tag: parasites
Marine Mammal Parasite of the Month- November 2020
Here at NMLC, parasites are diagnosed by examining the seal’s feces. We use a fecal float test and a statspin to isolate the parasite ova and identify the species. These ova belong to a parasite that is found in the intestines of pinnipeds. While the ova are only 50-80 µm by 30-50 µm, the adult […]
Parasite of the Month- Answer October 2020
This parasite is Cyamus scammoni, a species of whale lice. Whale lice have hooked appendages used to latch onto the outside of whales where they scavenge for food on the whale’s body, including eating whale skin. Pictured below are Cyamus scammoni and their unique coiled gills! Posted by Meaghan K. Meaghan is a fall intern […]
Marine Mammal Parasite of the Month- October 2020
This parasite is actually a crustacean and is only found on gray whales. They can grow up to 27mm in length and occur in large colonies. Juveniles of this species are not free-swimming and actually develop in a maternal pouch similar to marsupials. What is this parasite and how does it affect whales? […]