Tag: Townsend
Townsend Shows We’re All Connected!
Townsend shows we’re all connected. Townsend is a juvenile male harbor seal, named after NMLC co-founder Townsend Hornor, that was the first patient admitted to our new marine animal hospital just over a year ago. You may have read about him in previous website posts (Arrival, Detection of Ear Infection, CT Scans at WHOI, Seeking […]
Townsend Appreciation Day!
Today is Townsend Appreciation Day at the National Marine Life Center! We’ll have special activities throughout the day to learn more about Townsend, about seals, and to celebrate his release. We’ll also be giving “behind-the-scenes” tours of our marine animal hospital. All education program proceeds and other Discovery Center donations for the day will be […]
Townsend Passes Final Inspection!
This morning, the NMLC team journeyed to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Computerized Scanning and Imaging Facility for a CT scan (CAT scan, a medical imaging procedure that uses computer-processed x-rays to produce slices of specific areas of the body) for Townsend, our harbor seal. A rarity at best for most seals, this was Townsend’s […]
Check Out the NMLC Promotional Video!
High school senior, Devin Hennigan, from New Hampshire, spent 2 weeks in April shadowing and understanding the mission of the National Marine Life Center. Assisting with animal care, facilities, education and outreach, Devin composed a video highlighting his time here at NMLC, creating a promotional video for his final senior year project. The video includes […]
Checking In: Patient Update!
The staff at the National Marine Life Center are always working around the clock to take care of our patients in the marine hospital at the NMLC in hopes that they will one day be released to their natural habitats in the wild. Currently the marine hospital is housing eight sea turtles, 9 red bellied […]
CT scans at WHOI diagnose ear infection in Townsend
On the surface, Townsend the harbor seal looks healthy. He is active, alert, eating, and of good body weight. Unfortunately, as with many wild animals, his demeanor hides a serious illness. As we reported last month, shortly after arrival we noticed a discharge coming from Townsend’s left ear. We feared this could mean he had […]
Shoutout to Kids Who Care
Kids (of all ages!) are responding to Townsend, sending get well notes, and making donations to help. Thank you! This week, we’d like to extend a special thank you to Ashley, who sent this note along with a gift of money. We’d also like to thank Mrs. Milot’s fourth grade class from St. Margaret Regional […]
Patient Update – Townsend
It’s been a busy two weeks with our new patient – Townsend – the first in our new marine animal hospital. As with any new facility, we’re finding ourselves making adjustments and improvements to our facilities and procedures even as we carry out Townsend’s daily care and treatment regime. To recap, Townsend is a juvenile […]
First Patient in the New Hospital – Townsend the Seal!
We are pleased to announce the first patient in our new marine animal hospital – Townsend the harbor seal! Townsend is a juvenile male harbor seal that stranded September 6 on Old Orchard Beach in Maine suffering from respiratory distress and cuts to his face and chin. He was rescued by NOAA Fisheries and transported […]