Ameila’s wounds show signs of healing
Assisted by Drs. Ryer and Voorhis we examined the shell fragment from the wounded and wayward Diamond-back terrapin Amelia. see: Amelia Admitted to Hospital after Crash Landing The fragment appears to have lost blood supply and will not heal, but the tissues under the fragment are clean and starting to fill in and protect the […]
Education over April Vacation!
Thank you to all who participated in the Cape Cod Jr. Tech workshop of Turtle TLC/Seal SOS! We hope all the participants had fun while learning. Thank you to all the staff and volunteers that helped make the three day workshop run smoothly! No live animals were used during this program only case studies and […]
New website by Penguin Digital Design!
Kudos and thanks to Paula Hersey of Penguin Digital Design for developing an awesome new website for the National Marine Life Center. Paula is a long-time NMLC supporter. Her new “web 2.0” design for NMLC takes advantage of blogging software by WordPress and allows NMLC staff and volunteers to update information at a moment’s notice. […]
Stranding Conference Sponsors
In late March, the National Marine Life Center and partner organizations New England Aquarium and Whale Center of New England, co-hosted the Northeast Region Stranding Network Conference. Convened in Salem, Massachusetts, the conference brought together stranding responders, rehabilitators, scientists, educators, resource managers, and interested laypeople involved in marine mammal and sea turtle strandings from Virginia […]
Mermaid Ball Auction Item
Join us at the Mermaid Ball on August 7th for your chance to win this beautifully handcrafted dollhouse. Value: $750 Special thanks to our auction donors: Dick & Judy Conron
Building Walls!!!
We are on our way to making the hospital a reality. Walls are being constructed and concrete is flowing… The beautiful weather is providing the crews from Simmons Concrete plenty of opportunity to construct the nearly 10 foot high walls which will soon support the new building. Once the concrete has been poured and the forms […]
Fletcher, The Loggerhead Sea Turtle, by Alyssa French
Alyssa French is a first grade student at Bourne Elementary School, an animal lover and a friend of the National Marine Life Center. In her own words and art, Alyssa documents the story of Fletcher, the loggerhead sea turtle that stranded cold-stunned on a beach near the tip of Cape Cod in November. Fletcher came to the NMLC for rehabilitative care and has now been released back into the ocean.
New Parasite from Kemp’s Ridley
The loss of Caveman, a Kemp’s ridley sea turtle that died of sepsis and pneumonia following a cold-stun event last fall, was difficult for the entire staff, but we are continuing to learn about Kemp’s ridley sea turtles and issues that effect their health and natural history. During the necropsy (animal autopsy) we found an […]
Amelia Admitted to Hospital after Crash Landing
Two-Year-Old Diamondback Terrapin Fell from the Sky A two-year-old female Northern diamondback terrapin (Malacemys terrapin terrapin), whom we dubbed Amelia for reasons which may become obvious in a moment, arrived at the National Marine Life Center this morning. Amelia had a most unusual and nerve-wracking escape from tragedy over the weekend, and was rescued by observant residents […]
Annual Meeting
At last week’s Annual Meeting, guest speaker Don Lewis presented the compelling case for NMLC’s new marine animal hospital. Executive Director Kathy Zagzebski described hospital plans. Board of Trustees Chair Sean Randall asked the group to support NMLC at the upcoming Mermaid Ball. Over 55 people attended the event, hosted by the Beachmoor.