Category: Animals

The Great Sea Turtle Trek

Florida Fish and Wildlife

46 turtles 1,234 miles and RELEASE! This winter’s sea turtle cold-stun season on Cape Cod was the largest to date.  A total of 393 turtles stranded, of which 242 were alive and suffering from severe hypothermia.  In a normal year, there are an average of 70 live strandings. Sea turtles are rescued by Mass Audubon […]

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Checking In: Patient Update!


The staff at the National Marine Life Center are always working around the clock to take care of our patients in the marine hospital at the NMLC in hopes that they will one day be released to their natural habitats in the wild. Currently the marine hospital is housing eight sea turtles, 9 red bellied […]

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Upcoming Release: Major Margaret “Hotlips” Houlihan

harbor seal

The National Marine Life Center is please to announce that Major Margaret “Hotlips” Houlihan has been cleared for release by our attending veterinarian and the National Marine Fisheries Service. The release event will take place on Sunday January 13th, 2013 at 10am at Scussett Beach at the end of Scussett Beach Rd in Sagamore, MA, […]

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Marine Animal Adoption Packages Now Available! Great Holiday Gift!


Just in time for the holidays the National Marine Life Center is excited to launch its new marine animal adoption program. You can select one of our current marine animal patients to adopt for a loved one or yourself this holiday season. This is the perfect gift for the animal lover, conservationist, or person who […]

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Meet the Turtles!


Eight new Kemp’s ridley sea turtle patients have arrived at the National Marine Life Center, thus marking another milestone as the first sea turtles in our new marine animal hospital. All eight animals stranded on Cape Cod beaches this November suffering from having been cold-stunned. Cold-stunning is a form of severe hypothermia that impacts these […]

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CT scans at WHOI diagnose ear infection in Townsend

harbor seal

On the surface, Townsend the harbor seal looks healthy. He is active, alert, eating, and of good body weight. Unfortunately, as with many wild animals, his demeanor hides a serious illness. As we reported last month, shortly after arrival we noticed a discharge coming from Townsend’s left ear. We feared this could mean he had […]

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New Seal Patient Admitted: Major Margaret “Hotlips” Houlihan

Army Corp of Engineers

Our newest patient, a young female harbor seal pup, was admitted to the National Marine Life Center’s animal hospital on Monday, November 12th.  She was found by the Army Corps of Engineers along the Cape Cod Canal in serious condition, was picked up by the International Fund For Animal Welfare’s (IFAW) Marine Mammal Rescue Team […]

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Sea Turtles Fight Fickle New England Weather

cold stunned

It’s early November and we’re already finding ourselves warming the cars, scraping the windshield, and dodging the ice cold rain. As you contemplate your move south for the 30 second journey from your car to the front door, keep in mind those (sea turtles) that contemplated the same move. Unfortunately, for one reason or another, […]

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Background Check: Get to know Townsend and his harbor seal friends!

harbor seal

We’ve all gotten to know Townsend during his visit here at the National Marine Life Center. Let’s get to know a little bit more about him and his harbor seal friends as we await the next update! The harbor seal is relatively small when compared to other species of seals around the world. They can […]

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Shoutout to Kids Who Care

harbor seal

Kids (of all ages!) are responding to Townsend, sending get well notes, and making donations to help. Thank you! This week, we’d like to extend a special thank you to Ashley, who sent this note along with a gift of money. We’d also like to thank Mrs. Milot’s fourth grade class from St. Margaret Regional […]

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