Category: Animals
growing, growing, soon to be gone . . .
While all six of the Red-bellied cooters from the NMLC class of 2009 were successfully released, a batch of six animals were referred to our center for additional care and growth. All of which they are doing admirably, and perhaps too well. Their growth has been rapid and the growth line (suture) between the scales […]
Life’s a Beach … for “Patty”
Okay, maybe it is a kiddie’s pool, but the sand is real and the sunshine is divine. For the first time since she was found nearly frozen to death on St. Patrick’s Day in Wellfleet Harbor, “Patty” ventured into the open air to bask in July sunshine on Thursday. The full story of her rescue […]
NMLC Critter Tank
Can there be anything more exciting to children than a Critter Tank? I think not. Snails and shrimp and crabs, oh my! Children become entranced watching lady (calico) crabs dancing around the tank. Then there are the too proud hermit crabs parading over the rock floor to show off their latest homes, yet coveting everyone else’s shell at […]
Diamondback Terrapin Release!!
The National Marine Life Center released four headstart Diamondback Terrapins at Turtle Point, Lieutenant Island, Wellfleet, MA. The tiny turtles weighed only 5.5 grams when they were brought to NMLC last October, after having hatched too late in the season to survive the winter in the wild. Now an average of 56 grams – a […]
Eyes of the World
Patty, the diamond-back terrapin that was caught out in the cold (actually was frozen, see: Cold-Stunned Terrapin “Patty” Newest Patient) is making excellent progress. The blood in the eyes is resolving, and now that she can see again she is starting to eat. She still has serious neurological disease and difficulty with the hind legs, […]
Examined, cleared, and marked
The diamond-back terrapins were given a medical exam to see if they were considered “fit” for their return to the wild ( Diamondback Terrapin Release! June 25, 2009 ) and I’m happy to report all four terrapins passed with flying colors. Permanent identification is critical with all the animals we release, and these little turtles […]
Red-Tummy Turtle Rehab at the National Marine Life Center
CapeCast: Red-tummy turtle rehab Today on Cape Cod Times’ CapeCast: The National Marine Life Center in Buzzards Bay has become a nursey for a half-dozen endangered Northern red-bellied cooters. Watch them wiggle and wow. ============================================= Cape Cod Times, 16 June 2009, Front Page Above the Fold: Photo by Paul Blackmore of the Cape Cod Times […]
Diamondback Terrapin Release! June 25, 2009
Please join us in releasing our four headstart Diamondback Terrapins June 25, 2009 5pm, Lieutenant Island, Welfleet. We will meet at the one lane bridge and then continue as a group to turtle point for the release as a group. Please join us in releasing: Directions: Take Route 6 to just beyond the 98 mile […]
Where in the World is Fletcher?
Those of you following Fletcher on may have noticed Fletcher has decided to head inland. Not to worry. Fletcher has decided the water is warmer and the shellfish are tastier in a large bay known as Stone Bay, North Carolina. Fletcher in Stone Bay, NC We are hopeful as the Atlantic Ocean warms, Fletcher will […]
Gulf of Maine Seals: populations, problems, and priorities
Kathy and Rogers attended the Gulf of Maine Seals conference sponsored by the WHOI Marine Mammal Center. Dr. Williams presented findings on middle ear disease in seals from the Gulf of Maine as a potential indicator of environmental degradation and a process that can serve as a model for a common human disease. Rogers also […]