Category: FAQ’s

Is it a turtle, a terrapin, or a tortoise?


Recently, the National Marine Life Center welcomed Lindsay, a diamondback terrapin, to the family. Two Eastern box turtles, Daisy and Violet, are also NMLC residents in the Discovery Center. Next door in our hospital, Jedi, Nicky, and Gunst, our three Kemp’s ridley sea turtles, are in the recovery process and on their way to being […]

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Amazing Seal Adaptations


I am one of the interns working at the NMLC this summer, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity of assisting in the rehabilitation of fascinating marine and aquatic species.  I just finished my first year of veterinary school, and I am enjoying my time learning about the unique wildlife species that inhabit the […]

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How Can You Tell Which Whale You Are Looking At?

HOW CAN YOU TELL WHICH WHALE YOU ARE LOOKING AT? We use the name whale for about 70 kinds of animals. So how can you tell who is who? Not all 70 kinds live in the area around Cape Cod. In fact, some don’t even live in the Atlantic Ocean. But even the dozen or […]

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What is a Whale’s Spout?

WHAT IS A WHALE’S SPOUT? Is a whale’s a fountain of water? Both whales and people use lungs and noses to breathe air. But because whales live in the water their noses and lungs work differently from yours. Whales don’t breathe as often as you do; they breathe only when they are on the surface […]

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How Do Whales Breathe?

HOW DO WHALES BREATHE? Because whales live in the ocean, many people think they are fish. But do you know that whales and dolphins are not fish? They are mammals. People are mammals too. Mammals are the group of animals that breath air using lungs, give birth to live young (rather than laying eggs), and […]

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Are Whales Fish?

ARE WHALES FISH? Whales are not fish. But how do you know? You can tell the difference by watching the animal and asking yourself three questions: Does its body move sideways or up and down when it swims? Fish, including sharks, propel themselves through the water by using their body muscles to push their tails […]

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How Do Whales and Dolphins Swim?

HOW DO WHALES AND DOLPHINS SWIM? How would you describe the shape of a whale or dolphin? Wouldn’t you say they are very streamlined? Very few appendages (like your arms and legs) stick out to slow the animal down as it swims through the water. A whale’s body is shaped like a submarine, or the […]

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Where Did Whales Come From?

WHERE DID WHALES COME FROM? When you’re watching the actions of the biggest creatures on earth, ask about what animals they are related to. Are they fish? Are they related to sharks? Are they related to cows and camels? If you said yes to the last question, you are right! Some scientists believe that the […]

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How do Whales Eat?

HOW DO WHALES EAT? What you would eat if you lived in the ocean? If you said fish and squid, you’d be right. But there’s a second correct answer – some whales eat ocean creatures called plankton that are so small they are hard for us to see. Now think about how whales eat fish […]

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some of the questions we get asked most frequently.  Do you have additional questions?  Please post them here!

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