Category: Featured

Patient Update: September 26th


Seals:                               Androscoggin “Andy”, Piscataqua “Cat”, Chicopee, and Pawcatuck “Tuck” The Tank 2 crew are all doing very well with no significant changes to their health. They are all steadily gaining weight, Cat (bottom right) and Andy (top left) weighed in […]

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Patient Update: September 12th


Seals:                         Androscoggin “Andy” and Piscataqua “Cat” Andy (Bottom) and Cat (Top) are both doing incredibly well with no recent health changes. We at the National Marine Life Center have taken additional samples for testing to determine whether or not our animals have been […]

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Science Education Matters!


“Oh, I hate science,” nine-year-old Sarah* stated matter-of-factly during a recent week long educational program at the National Marine Life Center. “But you’re here!” I said in surprise, “You’re in this program!” “But I love animals!”, she replied, as if the answer was obvious. Four days later, Sarah proudly demonstrated to her parents how she […]

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Patient Update: September 5th, 2018


Patient Update: September 5, 2018 Seals:                         Androscoggin “Andy” and Piscataqua “Cat” Andy (bottom foreground) and Cat (top) are doing exceptionally well with no recent changes to their health. Despite meeting all requirements essential for a release to the wild, they are still in […]

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Patient Update: August 23rd


Patient Update: August 23rd Seals:                                             Charles, Parker, Allagash, Magalloway, Nemasket, Moose-These six rehabilitated harbor seal pups (in order from the top: Charles, Parker, Allagash, Magalloway, Nemasket (left), Moose (right)) were released on August […]

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Patient Update: August 9th


Patient Update: August 9th Seals:                             Charlie, Parker, Moose, Nemi-All four of our seals in DJF (in order from the top: Charlie, Nemi, Parker, Moose) are doing very well, as they have all reached the weight necessary for release, and they have […]

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Patient Update: August 2nd

Patient Update: August 2nd Seals:                 Charles “Charlie”-Charlie is doing very well, and it is because of this that he underwent a pre-release exam on Tuesday to ensure he is in the proper condition for release! The only area of concern during the exam was the lesions present […]

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Patient Update: July 26th


Patient Update: July 26th Seals:             Charles “Charlie”-Charlie (above center) is doing well this week with no significant changes. We have noticed some mild lesions on his rear flippers that could be the result of dermatitis. We will monitor that condition and take further action if necessary. Charlie is continuing […]

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Patient Update: July 19th


Patient Update: July 19th Seals:             Charles “Charlie”-Charlie (above middle) continues to do well, with no significant changes this past week. He is thoroughly enjoying his time in DJF; so much so, that we rarely see him out of the water. This is good, because we know he is developing […]

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My Unconventional Start as an NMLC Summer Intern


As a cadet at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, my last day of school was not until the middle of June, setting me pretty far behind intern candidates from other colleges. This setback often is a large obstacle when trying to obtain in internship in the summer. However, the National Marine Life Center welcomed me with […]

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