Category: Featured
Shoutout to Kids Who Care
Kids (of all ages!) are responding to Townsend, sending get well notes, and making donations to help. Thank you! This week, we’d like to extend a special thank you to Ashley, who sent this note along with a gift of money. We’d also like to thank Mrs. Milot’s fourth grade class from St. Margaret Regional […]
Tis’ the Season for Giving and Winning: “Spectacle of Trees” tickets on sale!
Tickets for the upcoming “Spectacle of Trees” event are on sale and available online or through the National Marine Life Center in Buzzards Bay. At just $10 a ticket, you enter for the chance to win the beautifully decorated sea turtle-themed tree and loads of great gifts. These aren’t your ordinary holiday gift swap items. […]
Patient Update – Townsend
It’s been a busy two weeks with our new patient – Townsend – the first in our new marine animal hospital. As with any new facility, we’re finding ourselves making adjustments and improvements to our facilities and procedures even as we carry out Townsend’s daily care and treatment regime. To recap, Townsend is a juvenile […]
Spooky Splash and Animal Facts!
It’s that spooky, sugar-sweet time of year again! While the National Marine Life Center prepares for a fun-filled day of arts and crafts and games for the whole family, we’ve put together some fun facts about the trickiest ocean animals around. Ever wondered what you might do if you were haunted by a ghost or […]
First Patient in the New Hospital – Townsend the Seal!
We are pleased to announce the first patient in our new marine animal hospital – Townsend the harbor seal! Townsend is a juvenile male harbor seal that stranded September 6 on Old Orchard Beach in Maine suffering from respiratory distress and cuts to his face and chin. He was rescued by NOAA Fisheries and transported […]
Marine Mammal Parasite of the Month – Oct. 2012
Here is an easy one. These parasites were found attached to the fur of a seal. What are they (scientific name and general taxon please) ? Name three risks associated with infection.
Marine Mammal Parasite of the Month-Answer March 2012
Answers: These are “Phillobothrium delphini” What is interesting concerning these parasites is that cestodes, like most animals, are named for their adult form (the tape worm) which has never been described, or more likely is well know, but not related to their other earlier life stages. This means that the two parasites Phyllobothrium delphini and […]
“Seal the Deal” Community Yard Sale
Now that National Marine Life Center (NMLC) is approved to once again rehabilitate seal patients we need help raising money to support their care. Feeding, cleaning up after, and supporting the medical care of our fuzzy friends can get a bit expensive. The National Marine Life Center will be Hosting a “Seal the Deal” Community […]
Seal of Approval – NMLC Receives Approval to Rehabilitate Seals
YIPPEE, YAHOO, HOORAY! The National Marine Life Center’s new marine animal hospital is officially open to seal patients! On Friday the National Marine Life Center became a designee under the University of New England Marine Animal Rehabilitation Center’s (UNE) stranding agreement with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA regulates all marine animal stranding […]
National Marine Life Center Paper Published in Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
The National Marine Life Center (NMLC) is pleased to announce the publication of a peer reviewed scientific paper, written by Dr. Charles Rogers Williams, in the field of wildlife rehabilitation, veterinary care, and the One Health initiative. The article, Surgical Removal of an Abscess Associated with Fusarium solani from a Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle (Lepidochelys […]