Category: Featured

TEACHER WORKSHOP: Go Under the Sea with STEM

Atlantic White Shark Conservancy

Join us for this One-Week Institute for Middle and High School Educators! REGISTER ON-LINE: Go Under the Sea with STEM and Investigate Marine Life From Open Ocean to Coastal Shores! Discover how technology and engineering have advanced the study of marine animal science as you explore the natural history of many diverse, fascinating, and […]

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Patient Update May 13th


Patient Update: 5/13/19  Welcome back to the National Marine Life Center’s Patient Update! As this is our first update of 2019, I’d like to kick things into gear by trying out something a little different from the previous patient updates. We have been very busy this year with the Unusual Mortality Event (UME) continuing on […]

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Summer Day Program: Discover Marine Life !

Discover Marine Animals

Back by popular demand – “Discover Marine Life,” the National Marine Life Center’s summer day program. Dive into the world of marine animal biology and conservation as you spend a week getting to know your favorite seafaring species. Discover how wildlife rehabilitation experts tend turtles, study seals, and doctor dolphins! Learn about sharks, fish, and […]

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It’s a Seaside Sunset Soiree!

Sunset over the ocean. The golden glow creates a path to mysteries beyond. It’s pure magic! The 2019 Mermaid Ball celebrates the magic and beauty of the ocean and it’s creatures with a Sunset Soiree! In addition to scrumptious food, fabulous entertainment, and the Mermaid Ball’s signature ocean themed silent auction, you’ll be treated to […]

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Mermaid Ball 2019 Venue Announced

Announcing…. The new venue for the 2019 Mermaid Ball is the Sea Crest Beach Hotel in North Falmouth! With a location suitable for the most discerning mermaid, the Sea Crest Beach Hotel is located on beautiful Old Silver Beach. Step outside during the Mermaid Ball and enjoy the beautiful sandy beach and waves tickling your […]

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Learning science…. You can help inspire youth!


Do you remember first learning about science? What was your experience like? Did you love it? Science. Technology. Engineering. Math. These “STEM” skills are important, both for individual success and community sustainability. And yet, we are falling short. Far too many young people say they “don’t like” science or “can’t do” math. We even hear […]

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Thriving in the wild… You can help advance science!


Otitis media. You may know it as an ear infection from which your child suffered. Did you know that seals get ear infections too? This was the case with Jones and Bear, two harbor seal pups rehabilitated at the National Marine Life Center. Jones and Bear originally stranded because each had been separated from their […]

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Cold-stunned and entangled…. you can help #73!


It was a brisk, sunny November day when Number 73 stranded on Cape Cod, barely moving and near death. The young Kemp’s ridley turtle was suffering from cold-stunning – a form of severe hypothermia. For Number 73, the effects of being cold-stunned have been devastating. She suffers from a serious case of pneumonia. Her white […]

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