Tag: Bella Lugoseal
Reflecting on my co-op at NMLC: Joanna
When it came time to apply for my second and final co-op, my only qualification was that I wanted to work with animals. However, ending up at NMLC fulfilled all of my possible wishes and more! The Marine Animal Rehabilitation and Education Co-op was my first choice job during the co-op application process, so I […]
Patient Update: December 18th
PATIENT UPDATE December 18, 2017 Seals 2 Sea Turtles 32 SEALS Bella LugoSEAL– Bella recently received her pre-release exam and we are so excited to send her off into the world soon! She is happy and healthy in her pod and it is great to see her with a flipper tag! Bella’s face looks […]
Patient Update- December 4th
PATIENT UPDATE December 4, 2017 Seals 2 Sea Turtles 32 SEALS Bella LugoSEAL– Bella is doing quite well and has been eating great! You may have seen a very cute video of her passing gas lately on our Instagram! She is doing well in her pod and we are excited for her to heal! […]
Patient Update: November 13th
PATIENT UPDATE November 13, 2017 Seals 1 Sea Turtles 2 Current Patients SEALS Bella LugoSEAL– Bella is our newest weanling harbor seal who came to us from Rye, NH courtesy of our friends at the Seacoast Science Center. She arrived with dead tissue on her face and an injured jaw. Our veterinarian Dr. Williams has […]