Tag: CT Scan
Patient Update: December 18th
PATIENT UPDATE December 18, 2017 Seals 2 Sea Turtles 32 SEALS Bella LugoSEAL– Bella recently received her pre-release exam and we are so excited to send her off into the world soon! She is happy and healthy in her pod and it is great to see her with a flipper tag! Bella’s face looks […]
Patient Update: September 14, 2017
PATIENT UPDATE September 14, 2017 Seals 5 Sea Turtles 2 Recent Releases SEALly Ride– Seally did very well here at NMLC! She was released at Scusset Beach on September 7th along with Emmy, Ralph, and Rachel. Ralph Waldo EmerSEAL– Ralph had been at NMLC for a little over three months and was always roommates […]
Pepper’s CT Scan
Our grey seal pup, Pepper, was admitted on February 25th, by our friends at the International Fund for Animal Welfare from Sandy Neck Beach, Barnstable, MA. He was collected for rehabilitation due to ear discharge. Dr. Williams confirmed that an ear infection (otitis media) was present in his left ear by radiographs when Pepper was admitted. […]
Ct Scans Courtesy of Cape Cod Veterinary Specialists
On January 20th, three of our most critical turtles #41, #49 & #51 “Quasimodo” received CT scans courtesy of Cape Cod Veterinary Specialists in Buzzards Bay. They were able to donate the CT scans by using the opportunity as a training session for new technicians. The turtles handled their scans well. During the procedure, our staff […]