Tag: Kemp’s ridley sea turtle

A Turtle Tale

flipper amputation

There’s still time left to help! 2014 has been a historic year for sea turtle strandings on Cape Cod, with an unprecedented number of animals coming ashore. Most have been Kemp’s ridleys – the most endangered sea turtle in the world. Meet Peregrine, sea turtle #60. This juvenile Kemp’s ridley sea turtle was brought to […]

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Turtles, turtles galore!

Kemp's ridley sea turtle

2014 is a historic year for sea turtle strandings, with unprecedented number coming ashore. To date, nearly 1,200 have stranded. These numbers have put a strain not only on our Massachusetts sea turtle rescue and rehabilitation organizations, but on turtle hospitals all along the east coast who have stepped up to help. The turtles are […]

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“Help Care for Turtles” Open House

behind the scenes tour

Help Care for Turtles by visiting the National Marine Life Center’s Discovery Center and Gift Shop this holiday weekend! We’re open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, November 28-30 from 10 am to 5 pm. Featuring: HOSPITAL TOURS at 11 am and 3 pm daily. See the 30 sea turtles, 2 seals, and 10 native turtles in […]

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Weekly Update


Off to a good start this week! Veterinarian Dr. Rogers Williams came in today for the weekly rounds and was able to check up on Barclay, our harbor seal pup, Cherry, Gage, and North Star, our three Kemp’s ridley sea turtles, and Tide, our loggerhead sea turtle. Blood work was taken on the Kemp’s ridleys, […]

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Ride to Release: Photo Journal

Kemp's ridley sea turtle

On the morning of Sunday April 13th 2014, seven endangered Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) sea turtles were readied for a 24-hour trek to Jacksonville, Florida where they would be released. Cherry (#32), Raphael (#34), Julia (#35), Thetis (#36), Marina (#37), Shosho (#38), and Squirt (#39) were admitted to the National Marine Life Center in November […]

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Turtle Release in Florida!

Kemp's ridley sea turtle

Seven of the eleven endangered sea turtles currently in rehabilitation at the National Marine Life Center will be released near Jacksonville, Florida on Monday morning, April 14. Each of the turtles stranded last November on Cape Cod suffering from cold stunning, which is a severe form of hypothermia. The turtles were all rescued by Mass […]

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The Ridley in the Library with the Candlestick, right?

Archie Carr

Did you know that the Kemp’s ridley sea turtle was at one time considered the most mysterious turtle of the Gulf coast?  According to prominent sea turtle naturalist Archie Carr, the ridley was maddeningly perplexing.  Recently I have been reading Dr. Carr’s accounts of his experiences searching for sea turtles throughout the Gulf coast and […]

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One Tiny Turtle (Number 31’s Story)


Number 31 needs your help! Number 31 is one of our tiniest sea turtles, yet she’s a fighter. Weighing just over three pounds, this endangered Kemp’s ridley sea turtle was brought in to the National Marine Life Center’s hospital late last month. Like the other ten juvenile sea turtles in our care, she had stranded […]

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Ten Turtles Arrive at NMLC

cold stunned

Last week, ten new Kemp’s ridley sea turtle patients arrived at the National Marine Life Center. All stranded on Cape Cod within the past month suffering from cold-stunning or severe hypothermia. The turtles were rescued by MassAudubon Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary and underwent several weeks of emergency care at the New England Aquarium. They will continue […]

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The Great Sea Turtle Trek

Florida Fish and Wildlife

46 turtles 1,234 miles and RELEASE! This winter’s sea turtle cold-stun season on Cape Cod was the largest to date.  A total of 393 turtles stranded, of which 242 were alive and suffering from severe hypothermia.  In a normal year, there are an average of 70 live strandings. Sea turtles are rescued by Mass Audubon […]

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