Tag: red-bellied cooter
Welcome to the NMLC
My name is Meghan and I began interning at the National Marine Life Center in early September of this year. Safe to say, I was extremely nervous on my first day. I had never interned anywhere before, but I expected a very serious work environment with a lot of training and liability forms. I have […]
Checking In: Patient Update!
The staff at the National Marine Life Center are always working around the clock to take care of our patients in the marine hospital at the NMLC in hopes that they will one day be released to their natural habitats in the wild. Currently the marine hospital is housing eight sea turtles, 9 red bellied […]
Turtle Trials & Triumphs
It has been a busy summer for the turtles at the National Marine Life Center! The staff volunteers and interns have been working hard to treat our red bellied cooter patients, specifically tackling the questions of metabolic bone disease and shell fungus. It has been a time of both trials and triumphs for the turtles […]
Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend
On Friday July 13th Catch 22 was released after two years in rehabilitation at the National Marine Life Center recovering from a shell fungal infection. Catch’s new home is in Tremont Pond in West Wareham. The release event was attended by many of our dedicated volunteers who have spent countless hours careing for Catch. A […]
Catch’s Release
For those of you have been following the National Marine Life Center for awhile, this is a long awaited post. Catch 22 is an endangered Red Bellied Cooter who was admitted to the National Marine Life Center in May of 2010. He had ingested a staple and was suffering from shell fungal disease and after […]
Alisia’s Exciting First Weeks At NMLC!
When I first learned that I had been accepted as a 2012 Summer Intern at the National Marine Life Center the words excited and overjoyed could not describe exactly how I felt. Being only in college for two going on three years, internships do not come easy and I was a bit nervous for my […]
First Day of Summer – Basking Red Bellied Cooters
Now that the first official day of summer has come and gone our red bellied cooters are enjoying the heat. Four of the cooters currently in our hospital are suffering from metabolic bone disease, which causes malformation of the skeleton and shell as well as metabolic irregularities. I was not familiar with metabolic bone disease […]