Tag: education
Summer Day Programs 2020!
The National Marine Life Center is proud to once again offer our Summer Day Programs – back bigger and better than ever before!
STEM: S is for Science
To define science or to explain what it is can be very challenging. Mirriam-Webster Dictionary provides multiple definitions but I think the most fitting is as follows… “Science: knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method”. The scientific method guides even […]
TEACHER WORKSHOP: Go Under the Sea with STEM
Join us for this One-Week Institute for Middle and High School Educators! REGISTER ON-LINE: https://www.wadeinstitutema.org/2019-cape-cod-region-summer-professional-development-institute/ Go Under the Sea with STEM and Investigate Marine Life From Open Ocean to Coastal Shores! Discover how technology and engineering have advanced the study of marine animal science as you explore the natural history of many diverse, fascinating, and […]
Summer Day Program: Discover Marine Life !
Back by popular demand – “Discover Marine Life,” the National Marine Life Center’s summer day program. Dive into the world of marine animal biology and conservation as you spend a week getting to know your favorite seafaring species. Discover how wildlife rehabilitation experts tend turtles, study seals, and doctor dolphins! Learn about sharks, fish, and […]
Learning science…. You can help inspire youth!
Do you remember first learning about science? What was your experience like? Did you love it? Science. Technology. Engineering. Math. These “STEM” skills are important, both for individual success and community sustainability. And yet, we are falling short. Far too many young people say they “don’t like” science or “can’t do” math. We even hear […]
Science Education Matters!
“Oh, I hate science,” nine-year-old Sarah* stated matter-of-factly during a recent week long educational program at the National Marine Life Center. “But you’re here!” I said in surprise, “You’re in this program!” “But I love animals!”, she replied, as if the answer was obvious. Four days later, Sarah proudly demonstrated to her parents how she […]
Seals are Affected by Climate Change
It is proven that the Earth’s overall temperature is increasing. This is causing a rapid decrease in the amount of both land and sea ice throughout the globe. Many seals, including Arctic fur seals and harp seals, depend on this ice for resting, mating, and giving birth to their offspring. This ice is also a […]
My Unconventional Start as an NMLC Summer Intern
As a cadet at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, my last day of school was not until the middle of June, setting me pretty far behind intern candidates from other colleges. This setback often is a large obstacle when trying to obtain in internship in the summer. However, the National Marine Life Center welcomed me with […]
Red Bellied Cooters and NMLC
At The National Marine Life Center, we get to take part in a program during the Winter months called the Head Start Program! During this program, we receive a set amount of turtles to fast track three years worth of growth in just a few months. This may not seem exciting, but the species of […]
World Oceans Day at New England Aquarium
Every year, on June 8th, the world celebrates World Oceans Day by taking into consideration the impact of our actions on the health of the ocean, and to help raise overall awareness of the negative effects that humanity has had on the ocean to this point. At the National Marine Life Center, we aim to […]