Category: Shoutouts

Thank You, Volunteers! – Interns ROCK!

It’s National Volunteer Week!  We’d like to thank and recognize all our wonderful volunteers and in particular, in this post, our interns! The National Marine Life Center welcomed our first interns during the summer of 2006.  Since then, students from colleges both near and far have joined us during the summer to help with education, […]

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Thank You Volunteers! – All that they do

It’s National Volunteer Week, and time to honor and celebrate the remarkable contributions of volunteers. Volunteers are the life-blood of the National Marine Life Center.  They are involved in our programs, including animal care, science, and education.  They provide  support services such as administration and marketing.  They’ve even helped to build our new marine animal […]

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Thank You, Volunteers! – Our Founders

In honor of National Volunteer Week, we’d like to take a moment to thank, honor, and remember our original volunteers – our founders. The National Marine Life Center was founded in 1995 by a group of Cape Codders concerned about the significant number of stranded animals in and around Cape Cod, and the absence of […]

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Eighth Grader Grants NMLC Wishes!

“Dear Friend, “I would like to let you know about a wonderful cause that I am very passionate about.  It’s the National Marine Life Center.  The National Marine Life Center in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts’ mission is rehabilitating stranded sea turtles, seals, dolphins, porpoises, and small whales, and advancing scientific knowledge and education in marine wildlife […]

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Service Spring Break, part 3

National Marine Life Center Journal Entries Frank Reske, III Day 3: March 16, 2010, 7:45 am – 1 pm Today I went with Joanne and a volunteer to a high school symposium at UMass Dartmouth to talk to high school kids about what the National Marine Life Center was all about.  When we arrived we […]

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We’ll take Habitat for $300 please, Matt!

MassMaritime Student and NMLC Intern student Matt Geary developed a fun new way to teach about endangered turtles – a jeopardy game!  He developed the game because he felt it “…will help provide incentives to kids in after school programs to listen to our presentation and pay attention.” Matt recently presented the game, along with […]

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Thanks Tobey Hospital !

The Animal Care staff is very grateful to the generous donation of a Narkomed anesthesia unit from Tobey Hospital and particularly for the help from Robert Casmira to coordinate this effort.  This fully functional unit, while no longer the state-of-the-art for human anesthesia, is more advanced then the vast majority of veterinary units and has […]

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Filming at the National Marine Life Center!

The National Marine Life Center was a film set today as DGA Productions from Watertown, MA filmed a promotional video for us.  Interesting lighting transformed ordinary spaces into brilliant backdrops for interviews of NMLC volunteers and staff.  Thank you to Jan Maliszewski, Michael Andrus, and Aaron Frutman for your expert videography and for making the […]

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Chemistry, Art, & Two Guys from Wisconsin

In researching various floor coatings, we considered a variety of products.  We looked at the “do it yourself” versions of garage floor coatings, as well as several products applied by contractors.  One of our biggest challenges was the need to coat the floor in February in Massachusetts.  Cape Cod isn’t the coldest place on earth […]

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The Spirit of the Season

We have received such nice letters and notes of support along with your year-end donations.  Thank you! One of our favorites was the following, from donors in North Truro. “December 29, 2009 “Friends, “Our family decided many years ago that we would step decisively away from the commercial aspects of Christmas.  We agreed that we […]

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